Introduces the tools used to create 2D graphics in games and other interactive media. Discusses the different requirements for art in games and interactive work, including technical challenges and design
360 VR & Filmmaking – Upcoming Course
Reviews the current state of 360 immersive video in art, media and entertainment. Develops skills in organizing, storytelling, and producing 360/VR Filmmaking documentary productions. Focuses on workflows for shooting, stitching,
Music Technology: Record & Mix – Upcoming Course
Develops digital music technology skills for musicians and music majors. Covers software-based recording, synthesis, beats, and core mixing. Presents foundations in Digital Audio Workstations, MIDI, audio recording, sequencing, effects, and
Intro to Audio Programming – Upcoming Course
Introduces visual programming language Max/MSP and the practice of creative coding for music and sound design.
Music Technology: Beats & Basics – Upcoming Course
Introduces music technology for musicians and music majors. Covers software-based recording with a focus on the construction of beats and melodies. Presents a foundation in MIDI, sequencing, signal processing, and